Friday, January 20, 2006


Oh for words to capture the ache and longing of returning. I am here at Bryan, and everything is the same (save some unsightly construction)--and yet it is not the same. I am not the same. I sit on the porch of the cafe and look out over these mountains that I love, that were once so familiar to me; and yet they are not familiar anymore. I am an observer now, not a participant. I may sit in classes, but it is as a stranger. I may talk to friends and professors, but I am now a stranger to most of them. They may profess delight in seeing me, but they have other lives that no longer involve me.

Where is home? "Where the heart is," goes the cliche; but my heart is here, and this is not home. My home is with Eddie, soon. My home is with my parents, now. I am a displaced person. I am a wanderer, hanging in limbo between three homes that I love so much. I will never here find satisfaction. I will always long and ache for the place where I am not. Perhaps this is God's way of making me long and ache for Him.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

you got me

Four movies you could watch over and over:
12 Angry Men
Narnia (though I have to cover my eyes at the scary parts)
Mansfield Park
Pride and Prejudice (though I admit, I'm on a P&P fast because I watched it too many times)

Four places you have lived:
Dayton, Tenn
Green Bay, WI
(that's all!)

Four TV shows you love to watch:
The Mole (it's not on anymore)
Extreme Home Makeover
The Amazing Race
American Idol

Four places you have been on vacation:
Glacier National Park in Montana
Houston, TX
Around Lake Michigan
South Dakota

Four websites you daily visit (besides blogs): (oh the joys of househunting)
Townhall (when I remember to check for a new Coulter column)

Four of your favorite foods:
Macaroni and Cheese (homemade, of course)
Fettucini con Polo (from the European Cafe where I work)
Twice-baked Potatoes with a side of moist turkey
Strawberry Lemonade from the Olive Garden (I realize it's not a food; it's still my favorite)

Four places you would rather be right now:
Sorry to cop-out, but I'd rather not be anywhere else than I am right here right now (at Bryan College visiting for a few days). If pressed, however, I would have to answer, "on a honeymoon with my husband;" which of course won't happen until we get married in four months.

Four bloggers you are tagging:
I realize I've copped out on most of the questions so far, but I'm afraid all the bloggers I know have already been tagged. Sorry. But what of that? If I tag you again, will you have to fill this out again, and give different answers?