Monday, January 31, 2005

I confess. I'm not really from those islands. I don't even know how they're spelled.

I'm still a little girl at heart.

but wouldn't it be fun to live on some random island in the Carribean? Can I get an amen?

I fear I will be a rather boring user. Perhaps I shall just post quotes that I find in my various readings.

I must admit, I find this rather addictive.
even if no one is reading it.

Who ever started this silly blogging trend? Not to be depressed or anything, but who cares what you have to say? which is why I shall never publish.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

I've succumbed,

but only, I promise, for the sake of my friends that I haven't heard of. I have no intention of ever being a blogger.

I am too sensible for that.

but even the sensible may fall, for a little while.

I have a suspicion that no one will care what I have to say. But I am not hurt by that!